NELIXIA has other products, such as Shinus Molle, Lemongrass, Pimento Berry and Cascarilla sourced in Latin America.

If you would like us to look for other raw materials or address an ingredient with sustainability issues, do not hesite to contact us.

or Schinus Molle

A sacred tree to the Incas, pink pepper dried fruits are sourced from the very high lands of Peru in the Ayacucho region and distilled at NELIXIA’s facilities in Guatemala.

At NELIXIA’s we ensure that berries are wild harvested without impacting the trees, their survival or the surrounding ecosystem.

Schinus Molle is a quick growing evergreen tree that grows up to 15 meters tall. The fruits are 5–7mm diameter round drupes with woody seeds that turn from green to red or pink.


The evergreen lemongrass plant, also known as Cymbopogon flexuosus, is a tall, perennial plant native to India. Lemongrass has long, aromatic leaves that are cut and steam-distilled to produce lemongrass Essential Oil.

Guatemalan Lemongrass Essential Oil is well known for its high content of citral, highly appreciated in the industry. At NELIXIA we are developping multicrops production with Lemongrass to preserve the soils and biodiverstiy following our agroecological approach.

or Pimento Berry

Pimienta dioica or also known as pimento berry or pimienta de jamaica or pimienta gorda, is a native tree of Central America with an aroma profile similar to clove, cinnamon, black pepper and nutmeg, source for its name "Allspice".

NELIXIA source the seeds from Las Verapaces and Peten region in Guatemala, allowing the communities to create a new cash crop while preserving the forest.

A proper management of the forest is always carried to protect the trees and it ecosystem. We distill the seeds at NELIXIA’s Guatemala factory, but we also export the seeds for spice market.

or Pimento Berry

Pimienta dioica or also know as pimiento berry, pimienta de jamaica or pimienta gorda, is a native tree of Central America with an aroma profile similar to clove, cinnamon, black pepper and nutmeg, source for its name "Allspice".

NELIXIA source the seeds from Las Verapaces and Peten region in Guatemala, allowing the communities to create a new cash crop while preserving the forest.

A proper management of the forest is always carried to protect the trees and its ecosystem. We distill the seeds at NELIXIA’s Guatemala factory, but we also export the seeds for spice market.


Cascarilla bark essential oil comes from the bark of the Croton elutaria tree, a tropical small tree that can reach heights of up to 25 feets, also known as copalchi that is native to the Bahamas and Central America, the bark is hard, compact, pale to yellowish-brown.

NELIXIA´s Cascarilla bark oil comes from El Salvador and Guatemala, from renewable plantations used for windbreak in coffee plantation.

In the past, cascarilla bark was used to dye clothes, until the Chinese discovered its medicinal benefits and made use of it as tonic and stimulant.

While used in perfumery, it is used as a very exclusive woody and spicy heart note in composition; cascarilla also has a place in flavoring for liqueurs like Campari and Vermouth.
