This unique product is sourced from the beautiful mountains of Honduras. The resin is harvested with a spoon, directly from a notch in the tree by the Pech descendants’ communities.

NELIXIA’s products


Styrax Trees can be found singly or in clusters in the Honduran forests that are generally state property and have been given in concession to communities.
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Working directly with 85 tappers, divided in 7 different regions of Olancho and la Biosfera del Rio Platano in Honduras.

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  1.  Improve producer’s safety by financing security materials and training on how to use them.
  2.  Create producer‘s organizations.
  3.  Increase visibility to the tappers by committing to purchase 100% of the productions, and pre-finance the crop, so they can be paid upfront and have an income during the “pica” phase.
  4.  A minimum price was established, guaranteeing a minimum profitable income.
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Within NELIXIA’s working areas, we manage the conservation of more than 3,500 hectares of forest, through sustainable management plans.

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We developed strong ties with local cooperatives. We trace the product to each producer, and in many cases have georeferenced their producing parcels.

About Styrax

Botany and production

Liquidambar styraciflua is a tree native form Central America, growing up to 46m in height and 1 to 2m in diameter.

Honduras is the only country in the world counting with production of Styrax Gum. The main Styrax producing regions are Olancho and “la Biosfera del Rio Platano”.

The styrax gum is harvested under a very ancestral know-how, especially among the Pech tribe. The Styrax trees can be found singly or in clusters in the forests that are generally state property and have been given in concession to communities to extract the gum.

They can also be found as shade for coffee plantations.

Botany and production

Liquidambar styraciflua is a tree native form Central America, growing up to 46m in height and 1 to 2m in diameter.

Honduras is the only country in the world counting with production of Styrax Gum. The main Styrax producing regions are Olancho and “la Biosfera del Rio Platano”.

The styrax gum is harvested under a very ancestral know-how, especially among the Pech tribe. The Styrax trees can be found singly or in clusters in the forests that are generally state property and have been given in concession to communities to extract the gum.

They can also be found as shade for coffee plantations.

Our value chain

First, tappers conduct the “pica” which consists in making a horizontal incision “Huaca” in the tree with an axe. Dimensions of those incisions respond to their ancestral know-how so not to damage the tree.

Around 15 days later, harvesters come back to the trees and collect the crude resin accumulated within the incision with a spoon.

This resin is brought to our collecting centers, quality controlled and then sent to our factory, where we purify it (dehydration and filtration).

Our value chain

First, tappers conduct the “pica” which consists in making a horizontal incision “Huaca” in the tree with an axe. Dimensions of those incisions respond to their ancestral know-how so not to damage the tree.

Around 15 days later, harvesters come back to the trees and collect the crude resin accumulated within the incision with a spoon.

This resin is brought to our collecting centers, quality controlled and then sent to our factory, where we purify it (dehydration and filtration).

Styrax products

Styrax Purified Gum

Crude styrax gum is purified and filtered at NELIXIA’s facilities in Honduras guaranteeing the highest quality standards to comply with our client’s specifications.

Nelixia Certifications